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about this calculator


The Maxillary Space Calculator assists clinicians in evaluating space requirements in the upper arch, helping to answer the key question: Am I extracting? It considers current crowding / spacing, planned incisor position, and available methods of space creation to determine whether all the teeth can fit in the arch, with or without extractions. You can also use the calculator to assess anchorage requirements for optimal treatment planning.


1) Assess current spacing / crowding

2) Plan your incisor position (PIP)

3) Create space to accommodate your PIP

4) Burn anchorage to close residual space

5) Review anchorage requirements


The formulas utilized by the calculators are based on my review of the literature and wisdom passed down by my instructors at the University of Toronto.

If you are curious about where the values come from, check out these references to see the main references I based these calculators on.


If you need a more thorough description of how to use the Space Calculator and interpret your score, click HERE.